Psalm 119:105


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Homecoming, King's Choralier's, "Jesus Calms the Storm"


Tuesday: 2014 Homecoming Court was announced. Mrs. Songer and Mr. Whartnaby interviewed the seniors on the court: Jenny, Sarah, Haley, Charis, Josh, Gus, Flavius, and Conner. Some questions asked: "What is a perfect day with friends?", "What is a favorite Bible passage?", "Advice for freshmen?", "What superpower would you like to have and why?".

Thursday: Special afternoon concert by the King's Choraliers. This singing group, of near 40 men, began in 1950 in Grand Rapids, MI. They stopped at Timothy on their Midwest concert tour. Some of the songs they sang were Psalm 150, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, Da Animals are Coming', This Little Light of Mine, and the Timothy Fight Song with the TC faculty men. Be sure to check out the video.


After Taylor opened with a solo, Amazing Grace, we looked at "Jesus Calms the Storm". This story, from Matthew 14, was acted out with many students participating. I was the narrator. The students were the actors. It was quite crazy on the stage with the disciples, the boat, the waves, the wind and "Jesus". But we ended on a serious note, with prayer. Students were challenged to consider what hurts, frustrates, worries, or depresses them. With a tight fist and then with hands open, we acknowledged our pain and then looked to Jesus with simple faith.


High School. Tuesday: Louis Dooley; Thursday: Black History Chapel

Middle School: Mr. Ridder's Homeroom

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Saturday, February 15, 2014

5 Famous Hymns, Small Groups, Sytsma Homeroom


Tuesday: Hymn Chapel, part 2 (5 hymns every Christian should know). Ms. Salvatori played the piano. Nathan & Flavius led off with prayers of thanks. Josh & Vince read Scripture about God's strength within us. Amanda & Sarah led us in confession. Mr. Ven Housen shared a moving testimony of how God has used Blessed Assurance in his life.

Thursday: Small Groups: all students met with their assigned group (based on grade & gender). The theme was strength. The Scripture passages discussed were Ephesians 1:18-22 and Philippians 4:13.


Mrs. Sytsma's homeroom led a chapel on love. Through a "classroom" skit, a story about a bridge building carpenter, Scripture, and a music video they drove home the point that God is love, and we should love one another. Enjoy the video!


High School. Tuesday: Homecoming interviews, Thursday: King's Choraliers

Middle School: Jesus calms the stormy sea

Location: Timothy Christian Schools

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Community Worship, Pastor Troxel, I Am Second


Tuesday: A recap of the Humboldt dinner started off the chapel. Mr. Pelt and Mr. Wiener led a time of singing with guitar, vocals and...harmonica. Next, Mr. Wiener shared how God touched his life at a recent worship conference. Then students were invited to share how God is speaking into their lives. What a blessing to be a part of the TCHS community!

Thursday: Pastor Troxel, from Bethel OPC in Wheaton, was our speaker. He spoke of God's definition of love by contrasting style and class. "Style" puts the attention on yourself, and "class" seeks to benefit others. He made the point with poignant stories and a call to look to Jesus. Jesus is our example of love and our loving Savior.


Mr. Gesch led us in singing. We sang Lean on Me, I Have a Maker and Sanctuary. Because of the snowy morning and resulting lower attendance, we did something different in chapel. In the spirit of the Olympics, we watched the Scott Hamilton video. He gives a wonderful testimony of his commitment to Jesus Christ and trust in God. We also watched Bethany Hamilton's video.


High School. Tuesday: Hymn Chapel, Thursday: Small Groups

Middle School: Mrs. Sytsma's homeroom

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Thoughts on Our Lack of Prayer

Before I address the title of this post, a few comments on chapel. Due to the polar vortex, we had only one chapel last week: high school chapel band leading worship through singing on Thursday. I was gone for this chapel, so I don't have photos but I do have great appreciation for this dedicated group of students.

Why was I not at chapel? I was at the Calvin Symposium on Worship in Grand Rapids. While there is much to share, I will focus my thoughts on just one thing: a spiritual high point. The time is filled with worship services, fellowship and workshops. At workshops people will often stay longer to ask the speaker(s) questions. I was at a workshop on a particular church and worship, and when it concluded, I felt led to not ask a question but to request prayer–prayer that I may truly be led by God more and more as a Bible teacher and "chapel guy".

The resulting prayer was a holy moment as tears streamed down my face. I am so glad that I asked for prayer and not merely some follow-up question. Afterwards, this time led me to think, "why are Christians, in general, so reluctant to ask others to pray for them for personal matters of their lives?" How is God calling you to humble yourself and ask someone else to pray for a need in your life?


High School. Tuesday: Jason Turner, Thursday: Craig Troxel

Middle School: Mr. W. (me) on the Gospel

Location: Timothy Christian Schools