Tuesday: Here are the leaders' notes for small group chapel:
- Sit in a circle as much as possible
- Each person is to answer every question
- Ask: what was your favorite food from this past weekend?
- Ask: what was the best relationship moment from this past weekend?
- Read Bible Passage two times: 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
- Ask: How can you do a better job of encouraging others? In the small group, in class, others in school?
- Respond: Take a moment for each person to think of an answer to the question. Then go around the circle and share.
- Close in prayer. Go around the circle, each person say a one sentence or more prayer (or whatever closing prayer works best for your group)
- If you need more questions:
- What activity or skill do you want to do with greater excellence? And what does it look like to have excellence in that skill?
Thursday: Mr. Pelt’s Contemporary Musicianship class led chapel. In the class, students wrote their own worship songs. They then shared them with us in chapel. Enjoy the video!
Friday: Advent prayer chapel. After singing, Mr. Wiener spoke how advent themes run counter to cultural values. Patience instead of frustration over delays (and slow wifi); silence instead of noise (including “screen” noise); and humility & repentance instead of pride (me first). Then we had about 10 minutes of silent prayer. There were some prayer stations set up. Students could draw/journal, share/pray for requests or just sit and pray. They spread out over the whole auditorium. It was beautiful! On a Friday afternoon, an entire middle school was quiet before the Lord in prayer.
High School: Tuesday–chapel band & prayer time; Thursday–Choir
Middle School Friday: Christmas singing
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