Psalm 119:105


Saturday, December 9, 2017

Chapel Band & Prayer, H.S. Choir, Christmas Singing

Tuesday: We had a chapel of song and prayer. The chapel band led us in singing O Come, O Come, Emmanuel; How Great Thou Art and What a Beautiful Name. We also spent about 10 minutes in silent prayer. Prayer stations were set up, including the Prayer Wall. This time was a holy moment for Christian community during the Advent season.

Thursday: The high school choir blessed us with music. For the last number, the orchestra assisted them with a beautiful Christmas music medley. The videos below are from the Christmas Concert.

Friday: We enjoyed a time of Scripture and Christmas songs. To introduce each song, students read parts of the Christmas story. Then we sang a song related to that passage. The junior chamber ensemble blessed us with a piece from their recent concert. Mr. Wiener ended with a devotion about Jesus being the focus of Christmas. Yes, presents are fun, but how are we going to put Jesus first? In case you’re wondering, we sang What Child is This, Away in a Manger, Angels We Have Heard on High and Go Tell it on the Mountain.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Small Groups, Muscianship Class, Advent Prayer

Tuesday: Here are the leaders' notes for small group chapel:
  • Sit in a circle as much as possible
  • Each person is to answer every question
    1. Ask: what was your favorite food from this past weekend?
    2. Ask: what was the best relationship moment from this past weekend?
    3. Read Bible Passage two times: 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
    4. Ask: How can you do a better job of encouraging others? In the small group, in class, others in school?
    5. Respond: Take a moment for each person to think of an answer to the question. Then go around the circle and share.
    6. Close in prayer. Go around the circle, each person say a one sentence or more prayer (or whatever closing prayer works best for your group)
  • If you need more questions:
  1. What activity or skill do you want to do with greater excellence? And what does it look like to have excellence in that skill?
Thursday: Mr. Pelt’s Contemporary Musicianship class led chapel. In the class, students wrote their own worship songs. They then shared them with us in chapel. Enjoy the video!

Friday: Advent prayer chapel. After singing, Mr. Wiener spoke how advent themes run counter to cultural values. Patience instead of frustration over delays (and slow wifi); silence instead of noise (including “screen” noise); and humility & repentance instead of pride (me first). Then we had about 10 minutes of silent prayer. There were some prayer stations set up. Students could draw/journal, share/pray for requests or just sit and pray. They spread out over the whole auditorium. It was beautiful! On a Friday afternoon, an entire middle school was quiet before the Lord in prayer. 

High School:Tuesday–chapel band & prayer time; Thursday–Choir
Middle School Friday: Christmas singing

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Hymn Sing, Pastor Bert, TCMS Singing & Sharing

From Thursday’s Chapel

Tuesday: Hymn sing at Faith Christian Reformed Church across the street! Mrs. Erdman and Mrs. Slinkman played the organ and piano, including a prelude and postlude. Students read the history of each hymn before we sang. The hymns were All Creatures of Our God and King, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, Amazing Grace, Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine and the Doxology.

Thursday: Pastor Bert DeJong was our speaker. All students had a post-it note and pen. He asked us to write down if we want to follow Jesus. Then he asked us to write down an idea of how we can take action today to show we want to follow Jesus. Last, we we challenged to honestly write down if we were serious about our idea. After he spoke, students were challenged to come to the front and stick their note to the cross as a sign of commitment. While students came forward, Doug and Angela sang a beautiful duet. Check out the video!

Friday: We had a great singing time. Mr. Lundeen and four students led the time of worship. We sang My Lighthouse, Open the Eyes of My Heart and The Cost. We read Psalm 100 responsively. Then students were invited forward to share what they were thankful for.

High School:Tuesday–thanksgiving open mic chapel

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Open Mic, Small Groups, Mr. Davidson

Tuesday: Open mic chapel! Students were invited to share how God worked in their lives during the previous week of chapels: our first Spiritual Emphasis Week with speaker, Jeff Klein. It was a blessed and beautiful time as students volunteered to share. The testimonies were heart-felt and encouraging to all. The chapel cross is new and designed/crafted by Jared P.

Thursday: Small group chapel focused on Spiritual Life Emphasis Week. The groups started by playing the old game of "telephone"--a very funny time. They then shared what stood out to them in the week of chapels and how they have been challenged to grow in faith.

Friday: Our school superintendent, Mr. Davidson spoke. He reminded students of Veterans Day and honored Mr. VanDerBill. Then Mr. Davidson spoke about how God is calling us to be courageous Christians.

High School: Tuesday-hymn sing at Faith CRC; Thursday: Pastor Bert DeJong
Middle School Friday: Thanksgiving sharing chapel

Friday, November 3, 2017

TCHS Spiritual Emphasis Week, Day 5 & TCMS–Barney

Our special week of chapels came to a close today. What a blessing this week has been! Jeff spoke with conviction from Mark 3:14-15 about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Disciples are with Jesus, speak about Jesus and have authority over evil. Jesus calls us to passionately live for him and do his work in this world.

Jonathan Barney, director of youth ministries at Faith CRC, spoke. By explaining sheep and telling stories about friends from high school, he showed us what the Bible teaches about following Jesus. His talk with accented with a little "follow the leader" skit (see photo below).

High School Tuesday: student sharing; Thursday: small groups
Middle School Friday: Mr. Davidson

Thursday, November 2, 2017

TCHS Spiritual Life Emphasis Week, Day 4

Today was a special 40 minute chapel. Chapel band students led us in worship through song. Jeff Klein spoke of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. The last 10 minutes was for prayer and a call to respond to the gospel. God worked in a beautiful way in today's chapel! Each day, Jeff writes some devotional thoughts that are read over the intercom at the end of the day. Here was today's devotion:

"How did the Holy Spirit call to you this morning? Do you feel the deep hunger inside to be glorious like you were created to be? Have you examined the chains you might be wearing? Have you asked Jesus to take them off? Remember, you are powerless to fix yourself, powerless to return to being an accurate reflection of God’s glory.

Being a Christian is not primarily about performing, or memorizing things or getting a good theology. Being a Christian is about surrender to the Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep. Surrendering is hard, but in the end, it’s the only way back to your Father."

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

TCHS Spiritual Life Emphasis Week, Day 3

Jeff Klein talked about practicing the presence of God. God longs for us to seek him and wants to reveal his presence to us. We were challenged to look to God with surrendered devotion and look for evidence of God's work all around us. He shared some amazing stories of people encountering the presence of God. Also in this chapel, Daisy opened in prayer and Mr. Pelt led us in singing From the Inside Out.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

TCHS Spiritual Life Emphasis Week, Day 2

Jeff Klein talked about the brokenness of the world and how brokenness affects our lives. With three students, he illustrated how our body, soul and spirit are all interconnected. Through Jesus our dead spirit becomes alive. We need to grow strong spiritually in order to combat Satan's plan to damage our bodies and soul. How are you surrendering to God's Spirit? Also in this chapel, Maggie opened in prayer and Mr. Pelt led us in singing Open the Eyes of My Heart.

Monday, October 30, 2017

TCHS Spiritual Life Emphasis Week, Day 1

Timothy Christian High School is having a Spiritual Life Emphasis Week. We have chapel every day, and our guest speaker is Jeff Klein. Jeff was the Bible teacher at Timothy in the '90s and has spoken at high schools and Christian camps across the country.

Today he spoke from John 10 about listening to Jesus’ voice. Jesus offers to lead us. We only have to decide if we trust the shepherd and are willing to follow. Why would I trust this Shepherd? John 10:11 answers that question. This Shepherd, Jesus has laid down his life for his sheep. Students were challenged to spend some time alone tonight asking the Shepherd to speak to them.

On Thursday there will be a call for students to respond to the gospel. Please pray for this week that God would touch the students and that they would seek him with all their hearts.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Chapel Band!

High School Chapel
Tuesday: Our student-led chapel band led worship through song. We sang Be Thou My Vision, Beautiful Things, Open the Eyes of My Heart and This is Amazing Grace. Arthur read from Psalm 103. Matt VZ led in prayer. Check out the video!

Middle School Chapel
Friday: Mr. Wiener spoke on our theme verses, Colossians 2:6-7. Using a real tree stump and a board on rollers, he talked about what it is like to root your life in Jesus (standing on the tree stump) and root your life in yourself (standing on the board w/ rollers). Mr. VanderBill in camouflage played the part of life’s problems trying to knock us over.

High School: Spiritual Life Emphasis Week. Chapel every day with guest speaker, Jeff Klein

Middle School Friday: Jonathan Barney

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Small Groups: Bonding

High School Chapel
Tuesday: Small Groups today. The goal was simply to bond more as groups. Each group did an activity to result in sharing, learning about one another, and laughing.

Next week:
High School Tuesday: Chapel band
Middle School Wednesday: Tennis

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Petterson, Spanish Honor Society, MS Worship

From Thursday's chapel:
Tuesday: Sam Petterson, youth pastor at Springbrook Community Church in Plainfield, spoke. He shared about wisdom for high school students. His two points were 1. Let someone else pay for your wisdom and  2. Throw the rock. That may not mean a lot to you, but his talk engaged students and pointed them toward a God-honoring life. We really appreciate his travel all the way from Plainfield to be with us.

Thursday: The Spanish Honor Society led chapel. We had a worshipful opening prayer in Spanish and English. We learned about Spanish culture and sang Mighty to Save in Spanish. Liz shared how their group seeks to grow as Christian disciples through their club.

Friday: Today was about worship through singing. Mr. Wiener shared a story, the woman next to me, to highlight the need to worship from the heart. We spent a good amount of time singing, led by Mr. Lundeen. Then we listened to a song about worship as our closing prayer

High School Tuesday: Small Groups

Saturday, October 7, 2017

New Gym, Homecoming, Ashley Thompson

Tuesday: We held chapel in the new gym! Mr. Davidson spoke. Yes, he spoke about the new gym and middle school wing. But the focus of his message was on glorifying Jesus in all we do. Mr. Venhousen closed in prayer. Then the chamber choir led us in singing the Doxology. What a wonderful time of worship!

Thursday: Today was our annual “interview the seniors on homecoming court chapel”. Mr. Hamelinck and Mr. Piersma interviewed the four girls and then the four boys. The questions were a great mix of funny and serious. 

Friday: Ashley Thompson, a 2010 TC grad, spoke. She shared how as Christians, we hurt ourselves by being tied to expectations, other’s opinions of us, and other ways as well. We need to be tied to Christ alone. It is freeing to live “IN HIM”. At the end of chapel students were challenged to write down on paper what they are “tied to”. Then they put their paper at the foot of the cross and picked up a string to symbolize living in Christ.

High School Tuesday: Sam Peterson; Thursday: Spanish Honor Society
Middle School Friday: Mr. Wiener