Tuesday: Jeff Peltz, one of the Wheaton College football coaches, was our speaker. He spoke about following Jesus and serving others. One of his ministries at Wheaton is to organize spring break mission/serve trips for football players. They go to places around the world where Wheaton football player alum are serving . To watch the chapel, CLICK HERE
Thursday: Bob VenHousen arranged for us to have two young women from Honduras who grew up in the All God's Children orphanage there. Tatiana and Marcella spoke with confidence, hope and joy about how Jesus saved them and changed them. They challenged students to trust Jesus with their whole lives. Mrs. Baio served as translator. They also shared about a business they started: http://lazoscollective.com/. To watch the chapel, CLICK HERE
Wednesday: Mr. VanderBill's homeroom led chapel. We began by singing 10,000 Reasons & You Never Let Go. Students prayed and read Scripture. Mr. VanderBill shared about the highs and lows of his life. We will all go through struggles. In every part of life, we need to look to Jesus and trust in him. He is with us and will carry us through. Chapel closed with Mr. Lundeen singing Come as You Are.
High School Tuesday: Chapel Band; Thursday: Scott Murray
Middle School: Scott Murray (on Thursday)
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