Tuesday: Jonathan Kumar, TCHS alum, made an impression with his entrance as Indiana Jones. He shared some vital wisdom on overcoming vices. One of his key points was that if you want to successfully take something out of your life (like a vice), you need to add something in its place. He spoke of many ways that students can add daily spiritual food to their lives so that they grow as strong Christian disciples.
Thursday: Jill Van Beek, the director of operations for the Association for a More Just Society (AJS), spoke. Her theme verse was "perfect love drives out fear" from 1 John 4:18. She shared with personal stories about how AJS is working for justice successfully in Honduras. Jill challenged us to all live courageously for Jesus. To learn more about this ministry, visit: http://www.ajs-us.org/.
Mr. Davidson emphasized that real living for Jesus is an adventure. By explaining John 10:10 and weaving in personal stories, our superintendent gave a talk that spoke directly to the hearts of the middle schoolers.
High School. Tuesday: High School Chapel Band, Thursday: Small Groups
Middle School: on Tuesday, the High School Chapel Band
Location: Timothy Christian Schools