Tuesday: Chapel began with a Scripture reading from Matthew 25 by Mr. Lindloff, Vince Williams and Mr. Wiener's sophomore classes. We then sang "Speak O Lord" led by Mrs. Raley on the piano, John Hoheisel on the violin, and the chamber choir. Mr. Boven spoke and asked the question, "what do you smell like?" He talked about all sorts of interesting smells from wonderful to disgusting. But then he asked how we as Christians smell? 2 Corinthians 2:14, But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.
Thursday: we heard student testimonies from summer missions/serve trips to Kentucky, an Indian reservation in Wisconsin, El Salvador, and Philadelphia.
MIDDLE SCHOOL: After singing with Mr. Pelt and Mr. Wiener, we heard from the teachers briefly about a summer highlight and a word of spiritual encouragement. It was made into a contest. First, 3 tall teachers (you can guess who) came to the stage and 4 student contestants had to guess what teacher went with what summer photo. Then we had 4 lovely lady teachers take the stage.
NEXT WEEK: High School: Tuesday-more mission trip sharing and Thursday-first singing chapel of the year with our student band. Middle School-teacher summer photo guess and sharing by "3 seasoned professionals", and student sharing about summer spiritual highlights.
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