Chapels This Year
- High school and middle school chapels are live streamed on the TCS YouTube Channel
- High school chapels are on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:33am
- Middle school chapels are on Wednesday at 8:30am
- TCS YouTube Channel link:
High School Chapels
- Special Note: the chapel usually starts 2-4 minutes from when the live-stream begins
April 20–Matea & the HS Choir
Senior, Matea Cummings, spoke on a message that has been on her heart for a long time: influence. All of us influence others. God is calling us to use our influence to build God’s kingdom. We are in a spiritual battle. We must all embrace our call to be used by God! We were also blessed by two numbers from the choir.
April 22–Prayer Chapel
Most interactive chapel of the year. This student led chapel involved various types of prayer and Scripture reading that included the intentional use of hands and body posture. Students in the auditorium and in the classroom were invited to stand, sit on a chair and even sit on the floor. They placed their hands over their heart, rested their open hands on their lap and raised their hands. What a wonderful time of prayer!
Next Week:
- HS Tuesday: Faith CRC Worship Band
- MS Wednesday: Prayer
- HS Thursday: Small Groups