Chapels This Year
- High school and middle school chapels are live streamed on the TCS YouTube Channel
- High school chapels are on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:33am
- Middle school chapels are on Wednesday at 8:30am
- TCS YouTube Channel link:
High School Chapels
- Special Note: the chapel usually starts 2-4 minutes from when the live-stream begins
February 18–Chapel Band
They led us in worship with these songs: Start A Fire, Grace on Top of Grace, What A Beautiful Name, and Who You Say I Am. Mr. Mitchell shared about our theme verses, Hebrews 10:23-24, spurring us on to continue to create a loving, supportive high school community.
Middle School Chapel
February 17–Dan Quist
His text was II Corinthians 4:1-6. His message? Because of sin in this world, we have a veil over our eyes. It's difficult for us to see the full image of God until we get to heaven. In the meantime, it's important for us to look for those ways God reveals himself to us, even though it may be blurry.
Next Week:
- HS Tuesday: TCHS Band
- MS Wednesday: Sam Bloom
- HS Thursday: Bridge Builders w/ Tyran Laws