Psalm 119:105


Saturday, October 31, 2020

Lundeen, Small Groups, HS Students Lead MS Chapel


Chapels This Year

  • High school and middle school chapels are live streamed on the TCS YouTube Channel
  • High school chapels are on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:33am
  • Middle school chapels are on Wednesday at 8:30am
  • TCS YouTube Channel link:

High School Chapels

  • Special Note: the chapel usually starts 2-4 minutes from when the live-stream begins

October 27–Mr. Lundeen

Mr. Lundeen led us in a worshipful chapel of Scripture and song. The theme was on the blessing and strength of God’s peace in anxious times.

October 29–Small Groups

After playing a fun mixer game, the groups focused on 1 John 3:16-18 and how we live out this passage. Some of the discussion involved sharing ways to show love/help others and sharing a story of when a student was on the receiving end of a blessing.

Middle School Chapel

October 28–HS Students lead a chapel focused on Hebrews 10:23

Four high school students led the chapel. They performed a humorous skit with a Biblical point and showed a TC made video of students & teachers sharing how they “hold unswervingly” to their hope in Jesus. One student gave a talk tying the skit and Heb.10:23 together. Thanks to Alexandra, David, Ellen and Josh!

Next Week:

  • TCHS Tuesday: Chapel Band
  • TCHS Thursday: Student Panel on the Church

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Mr. Davidson & Mr. Venhousen


Chapels This Year

  • High school and middle school chapels are live streamed on the TCS YouTube Channel
  • High school chapels are on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:33am
  • Middle school chapels are on Wednesday at 8:30am
  • TCS YouTube Channel link:

High School Chapel

  • Note: the chapel usually starts 2-4 minutes from when the live-stream begins

October 20

Mr. Davidson spoke of God’s faithfulness displayed in Timothy Christian Schools from the start until the present. He then updated the high school students on the plans for the upcoming high school building renovation. Mr. Venhousen shared from Psalm 127, “Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” He spoke about the importance of honoring God in all we do at Timothy Christian.

Watch the chapel here: CLICK

Next Week:

  • TCHS Tuesday: Tim Lundeen
  • TCMS Wednesday: High School students lead
  • TCHS Thursday: Small Groups

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Small Groups & Student-Led on Hebrews 10:24

 Chapels This Year

  • High school and middle school chapels are live streamed on the TCS YouTube Channel
  • High school chapels are on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:33am
  • Middle school chapels are on Wednesday at 8:30am
  • TCS YouTube Channel link:

High School Chapels

  • Note: the chapel usually starts 2-4 minutes from when the live-stream begins

October 13–Small Groups

The groups got to know each other better by sharing “odd things”, like weirdest thing ever eaten and best scar story. Then they reflected on Philippians 4:4-9. Some questions: How is it hard to live out gentleness? What are you anxious about? What would your life look like/how would it be changed if God’s peace flooded into you?

Nothing to do with chapel. Just two sugar maple trees near my house:

October 15–Student-Led

Students planned & led the chapel based on Hebrews 10:24. The highlights? A fun basketball skit, an interview format to explain the skit & theme verse, and worshipful songs led by Bethany. Check out the video!

Next Week:

  • TCHS Tuesday: Mr. Davidson & Mr. Venhousen

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Mr. Hamelinck, Student-Led, TCMS & Theme Verse


Chapels This Year

  • High school and middle school chapels are live streamed on the TCS YouTube Channel
  • High school chapels are on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:33am
  • Middle school chapels are on Wednesday at 8:30am
  • TCS YouTube Channel link:

High School Chapels

  • Special Note: the chapel usually starts 2-4 minutes from when the live-stream begins

October 6–Mr. Hamelinck

An interview w/ our Student Life Director/Dean, Mr. Hamelinck. You will learn some new things about this man who has worn many “hats” at TCHS!

October 8–Student-Led

Students planned & led the chapel based on Hebrews 10:23. The highlights? A funny skit, a great explanation of the verse and a video of many in the TC community commenting on how they hold onto the faith. Check out the video!

Middle School Chapel

Sept. 23–TCHS Chapel Band & Chapel Theme Verses

We were blessed to have the high school chapel band with us. They sang And All the People Said “Amen” and How Deep the Father’s Love for Us. Then photos were shown of student artwork that reflected the theme verses, Hebrews 10:23-24. Check out the photos below. To see all the photos, watch the video!

Next Week:

  • TCHS Tuesday: Small Groups
  • TCHS Thursday: Student-Led

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Spiritual Emphasis Week


Chapels This Year

  • High school and middle school chapels are live streamed on the TCS YouTube Channel
  • High school chapels are on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:33am
  • Middle school chapels are on Wednesday at 8:30am
  • TCS YouTube Channel link:

High School Chapels—Spiritual Emphasis Week

  • Special Note: the chapel usually starts 2-4 minutes from when the live-stream begins

Sept. 28: Teacher Panel

Eight teachers shared how they have been challenged to better honor God and love people in light of current race issues. Their personal challenge led to heart-felt challenges to the student body. Thanks to Mrs. Piersma, Mr. Huizinga, Mrs. Fox, Mr. Whartnaby, Mr. Snoeyink, Mr. Barker, Mrs. Garcia, Mr. Lindloff.

Sept. 24–Moms Panel

The moms had a honest discussion that dealt with issues such as unconscious racial bias, worry about my kids safety, and overt racism. Thanks to Mrs. Dorsey (who organized & moderated the panel), Mrs. Vea, Mrs. Cruz, Mrs. Champagne and Mrs. Cummings.

Sept. 30–Reggie Champagne (both middle school & high school chapel)

Reggie Champagne—TC dad, corporate lawyer, speaker—blessed us with a message centered on Matthew 22:15-22, along with other teachings of Jesus. After highlighting Biblical principles, he shared practical ways to love God, love people, pursue justice and even engage in the political process as Christians.

Oct. 1–Small Groups

This was the most serious small group time of the year. Students were challenged to share openly, honestly and with Christian love. They discussed the past three chapels and racial discrimination in general.

Oct. 2–Student Panel

We closed our week with 10 students on a panel, moderated by Mrs. Garcia. These students took the risk to share in front of their peers. They shared stories and gave us a window into their hearts. The TC community is a special place, but there is still work to be done. We must still deal with uncomfortable issues while we thank God for our togetherness in Jesus.

Next Week:

  • TCHS Tuesday: Mr. Hamelinck
  • TCMS Wednesday: TCHS Chapel Band & focus on Hebrews 10:23-24
  • TCHS Thursday: Student-led with focus on Hebrews 10:23