Chapels This Year
- High school and middle school chapels are live streamed on the TCS YouTube Channel
- High school chapels are on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:33am
- Middle school chapels are on Wednesday at 8:30am
- TCS YouTube Channel link:
High School Chapels
- Special Note: the chapel usually starts 2-4 minutes from when the live-stream begins
Sept. 22: Kyle Bjerga
Kyle, one of the pastors at Cityview Church in Elmhurst, spoke. The theme of his talk? We should live with an understanding that our view of God is too small. This perspective should lead us toward a life-long pursuit of knowing God more and more.
Sept. 24–Chapel Band
The chapel band’s debut! They played And All God’s People Said “Amen”, Great Things and How Deep the Father’s Love. We also showed a slideshow of small group artwork using students’ names and representing Hebrews 10:23-24.
Middle School Chapel
Sept. 23–Summer Teacher Photos & Chapel Theme Verses
We finished the rest of the teacher photos. Mr. VanDerBill & Mr. deVin had their classes in the auditorium, so they were able to share about their summer highlights. Then students, both in person and in the classroom where given time to reflect on Hebrews 10:23-24 and illustrate the truths through a drawing. We’ll feature some of the drawings in a future chapel.
Next Week:
- TCMS on Wednesday: Special speaker tied in with the high school