Tuesday: TCHS BAND. We were blessed by the music of the Timothy Christian High School Band, led by Mr. Pelt. They are preparing to play at Disney World over spring break.
Thursday: DAVE RYSKAMP. This was a special 40 minute long chapel. Dave shared his story of liver disease, liver transplant and gospel witness to the inner city of Grand Rapids. Dave’s story involved the intense physical difficulties dealing with liver disease/transplant, financial difficulties, and lessons from learning to be obedient to God’s direction, along with amazing miracles and God working through him to see gang members submit to Jesus Christ. Truly a memorable chapel!
Wednesday: MRS. GROENEWOLD & STUDENTS. The theme of the chapel was “walking in the light”. Students answered the question, “when have you seen Christ’s light shown to other people?”. The auditorium was dark. As each response was read, the student turned on their flashlight. At the end of 21 responses, we saw the lights all over the auditorium. After comments and Scripture readings, we watched a great video about daily kindness. Check it out below.
High School Tuesday: TCHS Students; Thursday: Ashley Thompson
Middle School Wednesday: Steve Noble