Monday: PRAYER CHAPEL: If we are going to focus on prayer this week, it is important, of course, to spend time praying. Students spread out throughout the auditorium (seats, aisles, landing, the stage). They were led in a time of prayer that involved using body posture and hands (sitting, standing, kneeling; hands folded, open, raised). The acronym used was P.R.R.A.Y.: Pause, Repent, Rejoice, Ask, Yield. Each section of prayer was introduced by a psalm reading and then students prayed.
Tuesday: READ SCHUCHARDT, Wheaton College professor: This profound talk explained how we as humans experience the world through our 5 senses and how our technology is changing us. He showed how the digital revolution is making promises to fulfill us and fails. Only God can fulfill us. How do we heal ourselves from the onslaught of pervasive screens? Prayer!
Wednesday: UTURN MASTER’S COMMISSION & LARRY PEREZ: The young adults presented two skits that powerfully communicated the need to make wise choices in our lives. Pastor Larry encouraged students to ask for God’s wisdom and look to Jesus, the Good Shepherd. With all the choices before students, they need to exercise godly discernment and listen for God’s voice.
Thursday: BILL SHIELL, president of Northern Seminary: Dr. Shiell focused on the story of the boy Samuel hearing God’s voice and responding, “here I am. Speak, Lord, your servant is listening”. Each student is an answer to prayer, and God wants to use each student for his kingdom.
Friday: PRAYER CHAPEL. We closed the week with another prayer chapel. As students spread out, they were encouraged to pray for one another or go to a teacher for prayer. It was a holy time as students embraced the time and sought God in prayer. Words cannot explain the beauty and blessedness of this time in prayer.
Below are photos of our prayer room that was open all week.
Wednesday: MASTER’S COMMISSION & LARRY PEREZ. The middle school was blessed with the same chapel as the high school today.
High School Tuesday: Sharing on last week; Thursday: Kurt Dykstra
Middle School Wednesday: Small Groups