Tuesday: PRAYER AND SONG. Four TC moms, from the Friday morning group Moms in Prayer, came to pray for the students. Then students read Scripture and prayed for other concerns: teachers, other TC employees, families, churches, our nation. Mr. Pelt led us in singing Great are You Lord and This is Amazing Grace.
Thursday: TEACHER SUMMER PHOTO SHARING. Four teams of seniors guessed what teacher went with what photo. (Congrats to Bethany & Sarah winning the contest!). Then each teacher shared about their summer and gave an inspirational devotional thought. Really good words to the student body!!!
Wednesday: FIRST CHAPEL OF THE YEAR. Mr. Lundeen led the singing. A favorite was My Lighthouse, with a bunch of students on the stage leading the motions. Students “shared” what they did this summer by standing if certain statements were true about them. Then Mr. Wiener introduced the prayer theme for the year. Students were challenged to think about a good place for them to pray. We read together Ephesians 3:20-21
High School Tuesday: Mr. Mitchell; Thursday: Student Summer Sharing
Middle School Wednesday: Summer Teacher Photo Sharing