Psalm 119:105


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Summer Challenge & Senior Slideshow

Tuesday: SENIOR SLIDESHOW, a yearly tradition! All the seniors sat on the stage as we watched a slideshow of senior group photos and then each senior with a baby picture & graduation photo, that listed college/plans for next year. To close chapel, teachers circled the seniors and three teachers prayed for them. It was a special and worshipful moment as Mrs. Lanenga, Mr. Snoeyink and Ms. Wagle prayed.

Thursday: SUMMER CHALLENGE. Chapel began with students being randomly called upon to share something that they are doing this summer. Mr. Wiener then had six students volunteer for three contests of two students each. The contests involved money and running. But each race had something unfair about it. And it was “unfair” who was rewarded the $1. I went on to explain that we all have “$1 days” and “no dollar” days. Sometimes this is because of our actions, but often it is not because of anything we do. We can get depressed, anxious and frustrated when life seems unfair. We then turned to God’s Word and the hopefulness it offers. Students were challenged to come up with ways to start and end each day by “fixing our eyes on Jesus”. If you want to see the slides from the chapel: CLICK HERE

Wednesday: SUMMER CHALLENGE. Mr. Lundeen with help from Ian and Sierra led a rousing song time: My Lighthouse, I Will Follow, Finish the Race. Mr. Wiener shared the same talk as the high school (see Thursday above). If you want to see the slides from the chapel: CLICK HERE

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Small Groups, Senior Testimonies, VanDerBill Homeroom

Tuesday: SMALL GROUPS. Students reflected on funny memories from this past year as well as how they grew/were challenged in faith. Looking to the future, they then shared ways to “run with perseverance” this summer and shared prayer requests.

Thursday: SENIOR TESTIMONIES. 23 seniors spoke! I can’t really explain what a blessed time this was. Seniors rose to the occasion to give the rest of the student body spiritual encouragement, advice, lessons learned in high school and thanksgiving. Praise the Lord!

Wednesday: VANDERBILL HOMEROOM. We had a good ol’ fashioned hymn sing. We sang songs that have withstood the test of time: Amazing Grace, Be Thou My Vision, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, How Great Thou Art, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Holy, Holy, Holy. Thanks to Carter’s grandma for accompanying us on the piano.

High School Tuesday: Senior Slide Show; Thursday: Summer Challenge
Middle School Wednesday: Summer Challenge

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Orchestra, Lisa Dietrich, Ridder Homeroom

Tuesday: ORCHESTRA. We enjoyed the beautiful music of the TC Orchestra from Bach’s Brandenburg Concertoto the music from the movie, The Greatest Showman. Between pieces, select students shared reflections on the year’s theme verses, Hebrews 12:1-3.

Thursday: LISA DIETRICH. Lisa is a ‘84 grad from TCHS and the director of the Network of Nations. This ministry reaches out to international students in DeKalb at NIU. Her talk not only described the work at NIU, but also taught students how to better communicate with people from different nations.

Wednesday: RIDDER HOMEROOM. What does it mean to practice our faith? We practice basketball, studying, art and music to get better. How? By doing actions over and over again. What can we do repeatedly (or practice) to grow in faith? Some ideas? Praying, studying God’s Word, constantly doing good. Sorry, I didn't a photo of the homeroom, but someone took a picture of the song leaders. Thanks, Nick, for playing!

High School Tuesday: Small Groups; Thursday: Senior Testimonies
Middle School Wednesday: VanDerBill Homeroom

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Mental Health, Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage, VanDenBerg's Homeroom

Tuesday: MRS. PIERSMA. We had an emotional health chapel from a Christian perspective. Mrs. Piersma shared about the prevalence of mental health conditions among high school students. Then we heard from students who struggle. They were interviewed before chapel and then other students read their responses in chapel to preserve their anonymity. “What is your biggest struggle?” and “Where do you feel most misunderstood?” were some of the questions. Mrs. Piersma & Mrs. VanStee then shared about how to support students who struggle, when to seek help and what difference should a Christian school make. Chapel ended with teachers and students praying for targeted areas of struggle, like anxiety and depression.

Thursday: ASIAN/PACIFIC ISLANDER HERITAGE CHAPEL. Our opening prayer was in English and Mandarin. Students led us in singing Hosanna in the Highest and included six Asian languages. Daisy shared about life in Hong Kong and how our Christian perspective helps us all to humbly learn from one another and be united in Christ.

Wednesday: VANDENBERG HOMEROOM. The theme of the chapel? To be a witness for Jesus, we need courage & boldness. One of the high points of the chapel was three girls who personally shared how they are being challenged to be a bold witness. Unusual chapel event: the fire alarm went off! We had 5+ minutes outside. Fortunately, there was no fire in the building and it was not raining outside.

High School Tuesday: Orchestra; Thursday: Lisa Dietrich
Middle School Wednesday: Ridder Homeroom