Tuesday: CHAPEL BAND led us. Thanks to Grant, Myah, Justin, Tyler & Luke! We sang Cornerstone, The Stand, and Great I am. In the middle of the chapel Ethan shared about a hero of the faith and then the band sang for us Times by Tenth Avenue North.
Thursday: BRIAN HOGAN, representing Masterpiece Ministries, spoke.
He emphasized that each one of us is God’s masterpiece: Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” NLT. We must trust in God’s plan and promises. Masterpiece Ministries leads Christian music and art camps. If interested, CLICK HERE
Wednesday: JOY! Mrs. Meyer’s homeroom led chapel. From the results of a student survey, they shared what brings happiness to students. Then they spoke of the joy God gives us. Last, they creatively warned of four ways our joy is stolen. Thanks to Grant and Luke for leading us in singing.
High School Tuesday: Faith CRC Band; Thursday: Jane Loerop
Middle School Wednesday: High School students lead