Tuesday: A chapel of prayer and song. We were blessed with prayers from three moms who attend the weekly “Moms in Prayer” group at TC. Students read Scripture and prayed. They prayed for teachers, other TC employees, families, churches, and our nation. Mr. Pelt and Grace led us in singing.
Thursday: Eight teachers submitted photos from their summer. In groups of four, the teachers came to the stage. First students saw the photos. Then seniors who were picked randomly had to guess what teacher went with what photo. Then teachers shared about their photo and used thoughts about the photo to encourage students in their faith.
Wednesday: First chapel of the year! Nate Mitchell led us in song. We sang The Lion and the Lamb, O Come to the Altar and Reckless Love. I read a list of possible summer activities and students stood for what was true about them. Then some students shared about summer “wow” moments. The point? We need to turn our “wow” moments into worship moments. We concluded by reciting together this year’s theme verses , Hebrews 12:1-3.
High School Tuesday: Mr. Mitchell; Thursday: Summer student ministry sharing
Middle School Friday: Summer teacher photo sharing