From Thursday’s Chapel
Tuesday: Hymn sing at Faith Christian Reformed Church across the street! Mrs. Erdman and Mrs. Slinkman played the organ and piano, including a prelude and postlude. Students read the history of each hymn before we sang. The hymns were All Creatures of Our God and King, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, Amazing Grace, Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine and the Doxology.
Thursday: Pastor Bert DeJong was our speaker. All students had a post-it note and pen. He asked us to write down if we want to follow Jesus. Then he asked us to write down an idea of how we can take action today to show we want to follow Jesus. Last, we we challenged to honestly write down if we were serious about our idea. After he spoke, students were challenged to come to the front and stick their note to the cross as a sign of commitment. While students came forward, Doug and Angela sang a beautiful duet. Check out the video!
Friday: We had a great singing time. Mr. Lundeen and four students led the time of worship. We sang My Lighthouse, Open the Eyes of My Heart and The Cost. We read Psalm 100 responsively. Then students were invited forward to share what they were thankful for.
High School:Tuesday–thanksgiving open mic chapel