Tuesday: Mr. Mitchell was our speaker. He focused on the theme verses for the year, Colossians 2:6-7, with attention to what it means to be rooted. First, you need to trust in Jesus. Mr. Mitchell made a clear gospel call to the students. Second, what are the ways to strengthen our faith so that our roots grow strong? After answering that question, Mr. Mitchell warned of ways that our roots can be hurt. He certainly kept students' attention with his grubs analogy.
Thursday: We had a holy time of prayer and song. Three moms, from the Moms In Prayer group, blessed us with their presence and by praying for the students. Students then prayed for all TC staff : teachers, administration, office staff, maintenance, cafeteria staff and bus drivers. Then three teachers took turns praying for families, the church and our nation. Mr. Pelt led us in singing Cornerstone and This is Amazing Grace.
Tuesday: Our first chapel of the year. After singing, students had a fun mixer greeting activity. 8th graders had to greet 7th graders in order to find the 7th graders with the $1 prize. Mr. Wiener gave a brief talk on the theme verse, emphasizing that this year we need to give our attention to Jesus more than ever.
High School Tuesday: Summer teacher photos & sharing; Thursday: student summer sharing
Middle School Wednesday: Summer teacher photos & sharing