Psalm 119:105


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Middle School "Good Friday" Chapel

Tuesday: The annual "Good Friday" Chapel. The high school chamber choir started our time by singing When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. The worshipful hymn was sung acapella with beautiful harmonies. Mr. Pelt, along with Luke, Bethany and Olivia, led us in singing Lord I Lift Your Name, Amazing Love and Here I am to Worship. Calvin, Ariel and Leah then read the story of Jesus' crucifixion from Mark 15. Miss Mercedes shared how the power of the cross affects her life. Students were then encouraged to come to the front and get a piece of black, ripped paper (representing our sin) and offer a prayer of confession. After praying, they dropped the paper at the foot of the cross and picked up another piece of paper with the word "FORGIVEN". It was a holy time together!

No high school chapel due to Fine Arts week
After Spring Break
High School Tuesday: Mr. Pelt
Both Middle and High School Thursday: Faith CRC worship band

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Lots of Singing, "Good Friday" Chapel & Mr. Schutte's Homeroom

Tuesday: The chapel band led us. We sang Unstoppable God, Lead Me to the Cross, Amazing Grace and Spirit of the Living God. To watch the chapel, CLICK HERE

Thursday: Our annual "Good Friday" chapel. The chamber choir led us in singing When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. Justin read the crucifixion story. Miss Mercedes shared about the importance of the cross. Eight students, freshmen through senior, prayed prayers of confession. Then all were called to seek God through repentance and accepting forgiveness. Students were encouraged to come forward, put their thumb on an ink pad and then press their thumb on our wooden cross. Jesus died for them. They are forgiven!

Wednesday: We started off with an all-student worship band. Wow, they were good! They led us in singing This is Amazing Grace, Mighty to Save and Love the Lord Your God. Mr. Schutte's homeroom led chapel. The theme was on sacrificial giving, based on the story of the “widow’s offering” in Mark 12. How is God calling each of us to sacrifice for Jesus?

High School Tuesday: no chapels due to Fine Arts Week
Middle School: "Good Friday" prayer chapel

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Small Group Contest, Brian Page, Pastor Lobatos

High School Chapels
Tuesday: Small group chapel with a twist. Each group was challenged to create a nativity scene. The best scenes would receive a prize of chocolate chip cookies for our next meeting. Enjoy the video!

Thursday: Brian Page was our speaker. Mr. Wiener met him at a tennis tournament this fall during a match between Timothy & Chicago Christian. Mr. Page is a corporate chaplain with a background in finance. His talk was on faithfully following Jesus, using an ax as a metaphor. Is our ax sharpened to do God's work?

Middle School Chapel
Wednesday: Myah's dad, Pastor Lobatos, spoke. He is a pastor at the Christian Church of Clarendon Hills. He shared his amazing testimony. Students were definitely "locked in" to his message. He emphasized that God desires to each of us for his glory.

High School Tuesday: Chapel band; Thursday: "Good Friday" chapel
Middle School Wednesday: Schutte Homeroom

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Mr. Boven, Hymn Chapel, VanDenBerg Homeroom

Tuesday: Former TC teacher, Mr. Boven, blessed us with a talk on the Biblical perspective of work: God created us to work. God can use setbacks in work to bring triumph. Where you are is no accident. Don’t let your work become your identity. To watch the chapel, CLICK HERE

Thursday: Our 2nd hymn chapel of the year. Each hymn was introduced with Scripture. Mr. Wiener and his daughter sang a duet. The hymns were Praise to the Lord, the Almighty; Holy, Holy, Holy; And Can It Be; My Jesus, I Love Thee and To God Be the Glory. Thanks to Alex Z. for a beautiful prelude and accompanying the singing. 

Wednesday: Ms. VanDenBerg's homeroom led chapel. Comparing our lives to others - and focusing on the blessings God gives to others rather than the blessings he gives to ourselves - can steal our joy. As Christians we know and believe that God is good, faithful, and that He has a great plan for our lives. By trusting in Him we can live lives of gratitude and contentment.

High School Tuesday: Small Groups; Thursday: Brian Page
Middle School: Pastor Lobotos