Psalm 119:105


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Faith CRC Worship Band & Small Groups


Tuesday: Last small group chapel of the year. After some opening questions, a Scripture passage about prayer (ask, seek, knock) from Matthew 7 was read. Then students spent a couple of minutes in silence, reflecting on the upcoming summer and how they could challenge themselves to grow in faith this summer. They were invited to share about their reflections. As you can see below, some groups met outside.

Thursday: The worship band from Faith CRC (the church right across Prospect from Timothy) led chapel for both the middle school and then the high school. Some of the songs we sang were Glory to God Forever, Your Grace is Enough, Holy is the Lord and Mighty to Save. Pastor Greg led on keyboards & vocals along with four other vocalists, acoustic guitar, electric guitar and bass guitar (played by TC student, Cassidy).

MIDDLE SCHOOL CHAPEL: See Thursday above


High School. Tuesday: Senior Chapel. Thursday: Summer Challenge

Middle School: Kyle Groters

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hymns, Jason Quick, Pastor Joe


Tuesday: Our third hymn chapel featured students introducing each song. All Creatures of Our God and King: harp and piano intro. A Mighty Fortress is Our God: sung in German and Korean for the intro. String ensemble lead us into Amazing Grace. Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine began with a stirring trombone quartet. Kendra and Judy sang the Doxology first and then we all joined in.

Thursday: Jason Quick, missionary with WorldVenture in the Philippines, spoke. He related how difficult it can be to go to another country. The culture is so different: the way people speak, think, act, shop, celebrate, and just how they live out their lives. As Christians we live in a "worldly culture". We are called to be different. How can we do this? We can learn from Daniel as a young man in exile in Babylon. He connected with others who were like-minded (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego). Wherever we go in life, like for the seniors to college next year, it is vital to connect with others who are like-minded in the faith. Their website is


Pastor Joe, originally from Chicago, is a pastor in the West Bank in Palestine. He related amazing stories of how God is working among Muslims. There are numerous people in his church who have come to faith in Jesus Christ through dreams and visions and miracles. You could hear a pin drop, as Pastor Joe gave testimony to God's grace being poured out in Palestine!


High School. Tuesday: Small Groups. Thursday: Faith CRC worship band

Middle School: Faith CRC worship band

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Pasek, Rodriguez, VanderBill


Tuesday: Andy Pasek, youth director at Elmhurst CRC & TC grad from the early 2000's, spoke. In light of God as our amazing creator and loving redeemer, we are now called to put into action what we say we believe. Andy told the story of his 2 year old son wearing a superman cape at a wedding reception. His actions were contagious and soon all the children had superman "napkin-capes". When we live for Jesus with love and joy, people are drawn to the light of Jesus within us. So let's get out there and make a difference for the gospel!

Thursday: Hanibal Rodriguez, pastor of Iglesia del Pueblo that meets at Wheaton Bible Church, was our guest. He challenged us to consider what we base our identity in. When we base our identity in ourselves (talents, personality, possessions), we become slaves to other people's opinions of us. Paul mentioned over 200 times in his letters to live "in him". To have a flourishing and hopeful life, we must base our identity in Jesus. God graciously calls us to live IN HIM!


Ross VanderBill, 7th grade Social Studies teacher, shared about the ups and downs of his life. He had photos from each stage of life. His honest testimony powerfully communicated the need to trust in God at all times. We need to remember that God is with us at each step of the way, whether life is grand or gritty.


High School. Tuesday: Hymn Chapel, part 3; Thursday: Jason Quick

Middle School: Pastor Joe & Strauss' Homeroom

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mitchell & Klein


Tuesday: Our principal, Mr. Mitchell, challenged us with the theme of "be different, not weird". How is God calling you to get out of your comfort zone, love one another, make a difference for Jesus, and live differently from the world's value system? This talk was not for the faint of heart. It was a call to radical discipleship.

Thursday: Jeff Klein, TCHS Bible teacher from the 90's, warned us of the danger of being a bystander. We can be tempted to hear God's Word and think someone else will take care of that. The Great Commission in Matthew 28 is a call for each of us to make disciples. What are you doing to grow God's Kingdom? God wants to use your your talents, gifts, and passions for his glory. The chapel was held in the gym.


After Mrs. Systma invited students to prayer on the National Day of Prayer, Jeff Klein spoke to the middle schoolers. When we "feed" on the world's value system, we become spiritually malnourished. It would be like having Twinkies for dinner. He called students to grow deep in the faith and not settle for shallowness. Klein's specific challenge was to sit quiet in prayer for at least ten minutes a day and be open to how God is speaking to them. The chapel was held at Faith CRC.


High School. Tuesday: Andy Pasek; Thursday: Hanibal Rodriguez

Middle School: VanderBill Homeroom

Location: Timothy Christian Schools