Tuesday: 2014 Homecoming Court was announced. Mrs. Songer and Mr. Whartnaby interviewed the seniors on the court: Jenny, Sarah, Haley, Charis, Josh, Gus, Flavius, and Conner. Some questions asked: "What is a perfect day with friends?", "What is a favorite Bible passage?", "Advice for freshmen?", "What superpower would you like to have and why?".
Thursday: Special afternoon concert by the King's Choraliers. This singing group, of near 40 men, began in 1950 in Grand Rapids, MI. They stopped at Timothy on their Midwest concert tour. Some of the songs they sang were Psalm 150, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, Da Animals are Coming', This Little Light of Mine, and the Timothy Fight Song with the TC faculty men. Be sure to check out the video.
After Taylor opened with a solo, Amazing Grace, we looked at "Jesus Calms the Storm". This story, from Matthew 14, was acted out with many students participating. I was the narrator. The students were the actors. It was quite crazy on the stage with the disciples, the boat, the waves, the wind and "Jesus". But we ended on a serious note, with prayer. Students were challenged to consider what hurts, frustrates, worries, or depresses them. With a tight fist and then with hands open, we acknowledged our pain and then looked to Jesus with simple faith.
High School. Tuesday: Louis Dooley; Thursday: Black History Chapel
Middle School: Mr. Ridder's Homeroom
Location: Timothy Christian Schools