Psalm 119:105


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Carols & More

Middle School Chapel

We began with a good old-fashioned Christmas Carol sing. Then students were invited to share their favorite family Christmas traditions. Many of these traditions involved food! We closed chapel with Mr. Lundeen reading The Story of the Christmas Guest as retold by Helen Steiner Rice, A beautiful story involving Christmas and serving Jesus by serving those in need.



Saturday, December 13, 2014

Advent & Christmas Chapels


Tuesday: Advent is a time of reflection. A simple worship team led us in focusing on Jesus during this advent season.

Thursday: The choirs of Timothy led us in chapel. We also had a string ensemble prelude and a harp postlude. Mr. Wiener shared a short devotion on God working in extraordinary ways through ordinary people and then gave an invitation to silent prayer.


A chapel of advent prayer. The students rose to the occasion by being reverent and prayerful. It was a holy time. In addition to singing, there were prayer stations: write down & pray for prayer requests and draw/journal. Also many students simply sat and prayed throughout the auditorium.


Middle School: Christmas Singing and Story

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Small Groups, Mr. Lindloff & family, Phil Zielke


Tuesday: A small group chapel with a twist: all students were divided up according to alphabetical order by first name. Trivia: most popular girl name? Emily & Hannah. For the guys? Joshua & Michael. The groups discussed Christmas traditions and ideas to keep Christ the center of Christmas.

Thursday: The visit by the Lindloff family has become a high school tradition during advent. Mr. Lindloff was joined by his wife and three children (plus a little friend). He told the story by Jesus of how servants should act when the master is away. We should be wise and faithful and not live for ourselves. The servants did not know when the master would return, and we don't know when Jesus will return.


Phil Zielke returned to Timothy to speak to the middle school this time. The theme of Phil's talk was perseverance. God led him through a long trial with cancer into a new direction. He founded Phil's Friends, a ministry that supports cancer patients in Christ's name. For more information (and opportunities to serve!) click this link:


High School. Tuesday: Advent singing, Thursday: choir & orchestra

Middle School: Advent prayer

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Chapels

Both High School and Middle School

Tuesday: The chapels, one after the other, showed the beauty of Christian school community. Students were given the opportunity to come to an open mic and share what they are thankful for. Words cannot describe how uplifting the chapels were.


High school Tuesday: small groups; Thursday: Lindloff family
Middle school: Phil Zielke

Saturday, November 22, 2014

iPads by Mr. Wiener, Small Groups, Mr. Lundeen


Tuesday: You can watch the entire chapel online! This is a first.

Mr. Wiener spoke on iPads & our Christian faith. Chapel began with a skit about some boys so focused on an iPad game (Clash of Clans) that they ignored girls, bumped into Mr. Glover & didn't listen to the test review. Mr. Wiener then chanted about technology by candle light. The talk was about praying for God's wisdom when it comes to using technology, being honest with your self, what is success?, and how is God calling you to unplug.

Thursday: Small groups today focused on the famous passage of Proverbs 3:5-6. In what area of your life do you need to trust in God more? What does a straight path mean for your life?


Mr. Lundeen spoke on fairness. There are three types of unfairness: silly, social and serious. He explained all three. Then he directed us to Romans 7. God sent Jesus into the world to solve the problem of "unfairness" caused by sin.


High School. Tuesday: Thanksgiving sharing

Middle School: Thanksgiving sharing

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Hymn Chapel & Kelly Cornelisse


Thursday: We had our first hymn chapel of the year. To introduce each hymn, students shared the history of the hymns. We saying Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Jesus Paid It All, I Surrender, and It is Well with My Soul. Timothy junior, Alex Z., accompanied us on the piano.


Kelly is the youth director at Faith CRC. Her talk was based on Jude verse one, "to those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ." Our core identity must be based in what God thinks about us and not what we think or what other people think. In Jesus Christ we are called, we are loved, we are kept for all eternity.


High School. Tuesday: iPads & Faith; Thursday: Small Groups

Middle School: Tim Lundeen

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pardee & a Service Project


Thursday: Josh Pardee, youth pastor at The Chapel in Hinsdale, spoke. He based his comments on the Parable of the Talents from Matthew, chapter 25. We need to live our lives with a greater sense of urgency to do God's work. And we should not spend time comparing ourselves to others, but be thankful for who we are and how God made us. Then we can focus on using our lives to do God's work.


We sang This is Amazing Grace, Mighty to Save and With Everything. Our chapel became a time of service. Student spread out throughout the auditorium with colored pencils, and they created cards for cancer patients. The cards will be distributed through the organization Phil's Friends. And Phil will come speak to us in chapel on November 3.


High School. Thursday: Hymn Chapel

Middle School: Kelly Cornelisse

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Friday, October 31, 2014

Chapel Band & the Persecuted Church

Tuesday: The student chapel band led us. We sang Sing, Sing, Sing, Lead Me to the Cross, Desert Song, Build Your Kingdom and Oceans.
Chapel on the Persecuted Church. In addition to some videos, students read Scripture and prayed. We focused on the countries of Egypt, Syria and Iran. See the video below.

High School. Tuesday: Band Assembly. Thursday: Josh Pardee
Middle School: Special Service Chapel
Location: Timothy Christian Schools

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Tina Jenkins Crawley


Tuesday: Tina Jenkins Crawley, mother of 11th grader Andrew, blessed us in song. But this chapel was not a concert, it was a time of worship. Mrs. Crawley connected with the students and led them in a time of energetic and passionate worship. She brought with her a whole band as well. Enjoy the video & photos. For more, you can find her on Facebook, iTunes and the web:


High School. Tuesday: Chapel band leads us in worship

Middle School: the Persecuted Church

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mr. Pelt & MS Small Groups

Thursday: Mr Pelt spoke! His talk was based on the book of Jonah, the reluctant prophet. He told us a bit of his own journey through school and various jobs that finally led to band director at Timothy. Mr. Pelt encouraged students to follow God's leading, take steps of faith, and trust that God works all things for good.
*Also, there is a photo below from the previous week from our prayer chapel.
Chapel with a different twist today! All students got into small groups based on their grade and birth month. So we ended up with 24 groups. Then they answered questions. What was the most fun in 6th grade (for the 7th graders) or most fun at the retreat (for the 8th graders). Then the questions became more serious: what is your biggest worry, greatest temptation to sin and how are students hurt the most relationally? We will use the answers to help inform future chapels.
High School. Tuesday: Tina Crawley
Middle School: Tina Crawley
Location: Timothy Christian Schools

Friday, October 10, 2014

Pechanio, Prayer, Quist

See the video for some of our special guests leading in song in chapel.

Tuesday: Matthew Pechanio and Sarah Schreiner from Church of the Ascension. Sarah led in worship with piano and voice. We sang Oceans and Holy is the Lord. Pastor Pechanio, a former TC Bible teacher, spoke on partnership from Philippians 1. True partners are more than friends. They are with you during the tight times, they help were you need it, and they are always rooting for you. 

Thursday: Our first prayer chapel of the year. Students led prayers of worship and for numerous areas of the world and the Timothy community. We spent time in quiet reflection and prayer. Students were invited to write down prayer requests on our Prayer Wall. Alex Z. played the piano. Mrs. Favela, along with Mr. Pelt, led us in singing How Great is Our God.

Our speaker was Dan Quist, TC’s director of admissions & student recruitment. In order to emphasize the chapel theme of “standing firm”, he began by singing the children’s song, Don’t Build Your House on the Sandy Land. Mr. Quist explained several Bible stories that illustrated standing firm. He also shared from his own life about the importance of standing firm for Jesus. Tim Lundeen led us in a new and soulful version of This Little Light of Mine.

Next Week
High School Thursday: Mr. Pelt
Middle School: 8th graders only

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Phil Zielke, Small Groups, Stand Firm

Tuesday: Phil Zielke shared about God's sovereign work in his life. He went from a healthy, strong athlete with specific plans about his future to dying of cancer and no plans. As he humbled himself before God, new plans formed. God led him through the long trial with cancer into a new direction. He founded Phil's Friends, a ministry that supports cancer patients in Christ's name. For more information (and opportunities to serve!) click this link:
Thursday: Small groups. Our first school-wide small group chapel. Like last year, all students are divided into small groups according to grade and gender with two student-leaders & a teacher. After a couple of ice-breaker questions, Proverbs 2:6-10 was read and discussed. We all need more of God's wisdom in our lives!

Our new song leader, Tim Lundeen (TC class of '99), led us in singing Blessed Be Your Name, Lay Me Down and Arms Open Wide. Mr. Wiener then directed a skit with students based on Matthew 7:24-27. We need to build our house on the rock of Jesus Christ, not the sand of this world.
High School, Tuesday: Matt & Sarah; Thursday: Prayer
Middle School, Wednesday: Dan Quist

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Chapel Band and 1st Graders

Tuesday: The high school chapel band led us in worship. Enjoy the video! Thanks to Nate, Kendra, Emily, Tabitha, Jack, Alec, Cassidy, Andrew and Jared.
Thursday: The 1st graders joined us, all three classes. We sang, they led us in the Lord's prayer, and Mr. Wiener shared a story using the Octoberfest set. The theme of the story was that God wants to use us to be good friends to others. And you can be a good friend by spending time with someone.
The high school chapel band led us in worship. See the video above!
High School. Tuesday: Phil & Friends; Thursday: Small Groups
Middle School: Chapel Theme (1 Corinthians 15:58)
Location: Timothy Christian Schools

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Mission Trip Testimonies & Middle School Teachers Share

Tuesday & Thursday: We had two days of inspiring testimonies from students about mission trips. Students served, received from others and were changed, all for the glory of God. We heard from students representing many churches: Faith CRC, Lombard CRC, Elmhurst CRC, Bethel OPC, Immanuel Lutheran, and CCOB. Hannah D. also shared about a trip to Honduras. The chapel opened with a Spanish/English greeting & prayer by Ana D. and Ellie V.

MIDDLE SCHOOL CHAPELWe finished our chapel about summer teacher photos and how God worked in their lives. We heard from Mr. VanderBill, Mrs. Adams, Ms. Strauss, Ms. VandenBerg and Mr. Grit. At the end of chapel there was a fun slideshow featuring middle school students' summer photos.

NEXT WEEK: High School Tuesday: Singing; Thursday: with the 1st graders
Middle school: Singing

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Testament, Homecoming Interviews, Teacher Photos


Tuesday: Mr. Wiener led a chapel on the summer reading book by James Grisham, The Testament. Various quotes were highlighted, and we were challenged to think more deeply as a Christian. Mr. Lindloff read an extended passage that highlighted some major discipleship themes of the book. In the book there is a strong call to follow Jesus with unwavering devotion. Click link to see the quotes used: The Testament quotes

Thursday: Mr. Hamelinck and Mr. Piersma interviewed the seniors on homecoming court. Besides a hoola-hoop contest for the girls and a one-handed push-up contest for the boys, the students talked about what they like about Timothy and what God is currently teaching them.

MIDDLE SCHOOL CHAPEL Teachers shared photos from this summer and talked about how God worked in their lives. This week we heard from Dr. Hoeksema, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Ridder, Mrs. Sytsma and Mrs. Schwarz.


High School. Tuesday & Thursday: students share about summer mission/serve trips

Middle School: more teacher photos and student sharing

Location: Timothy Christian Schools


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Boven, HS Teacher Summer Photos, Stand Firm


Tuesday: Mr. Boven's yearly message is always thought-provoking and his unique style keeps attention. He simply explained what a Reformed Christian perspective on life is. After a brief shout-out to Reformed theology, he focused on what it means to be a steward. We should live our lives knowing that ultimately God gives us everything we have. We are God's; everything we have is God's. So how can we faithful honor God with the use of our time, talents and treasures?

Thursday: Ten teachers shared a photo from the summer. We guessed which teacher went with each photo. Then the teachers shared how they were encouraged spiritually this summer.


The 8th graders met with high school student mentors. The 7th graders wrote down prayer requests and in small groups reflected on how to "stand firm" in the faith. We ended chapel together by singing with Mrs. LeGrand. We sang "Ah, La, La, La", "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High" and "Blessed Be Your Name".


High School. Tuesday: on the summer reading book, The Testament; Thursday: Senior Homecoming interviews

Middle School: Summer photos of teachers

Location: Timothy Christian Schools