Tuesday: The student-led band's last time leading us in worship this school year. Thanks to Alex, Hayley, Ben, Liz, Keenan and Jack!
Thursday: Erika Johnson from the organization By the Hand spoke. Erika is the manager for volunteer recruitment. She brought along a By the Hand graduate who shared her testimony. The TC students that you see in the photo have volunteered in after-school tutoring there. The proceeds from the May 17 Variety Show will go toward purchasing a smart board for this ministry.
MIDDLE SCHOOL: Miss VanDenBerg's homeroom led chapel. The theme was Transformation in Christ. See the video below to get a flavor of this creative chapel!
High School Monday: wind ensemble from Indiana Weslyan College; Thursday: Mawi Asgedom
Middle School on Thursday: Technology speaker, Dr. Doreen Dodgen-Magee
Location: Timothy Christian School