TUESDAY: Our student-led chapel band once again led the worship. Mr. Wiener began with a quick slide show of messages on shirts. What we communicate is important. In addition to clothing, how we use our words matters. The challenge: are the words we use in worship consistent with the way we use words the rest of the day. Some of the songs we sang were "Here I am to Worship", "Our God" and "The Stand."
THURSDAY: Our "Good Friday" chapel. Scripture on the crucifixion from Matthew 27 was read by Anna & Jimmy. We sang "Here I am to Worship", led by Alex and Hayley. Then everyone received a pebble. This was to represent an area of our life that we need to more completely submit to Jesus. The teachers came forward and put their rocks at the foot of the cross. Then all, I repeat all, the teachers left the auditorium. We circled up in the hall and prayed for the students. The students were challenged to come to the front with their rocks and pray. There was also an open microphone for prayers/testimonies. How beautiful it is that the students can take this time seriously and seek Jesus.
MIDDLE SCHOOL CHAPEL: Mr. Ridder's homeroom led the chapel. The theme was basing your beauty/self-image on God and not on appearance. This was communicated through Bible verses, sharing what the verses mean and some really fun skits. It was not only a good time, but also a godly time.
High School: no chapels due to Fine Arts week. When we return after spring break: Mr. Adams' band and small groups.
Middle School: Next week is the "Good Friday" chapel. After break, Mr. Adams' band.